Monday, March 12, 2018
Still do not know the concept of smart homes ? It is very easy to enjoy a smart home without having to assume large expenses and much less expensive reforms. Thanks to devices like these you can enjoy an authentic smart home, taking advantage of the benefits of new technologies.It can happen that if we do not know very well what is that of smart home we can come to think that it is a concept more related to architecture than anything else. That is, create more energy-efficient and sustainable houses with the environment. And although smart homes are somewhat related to this, the smart home refers to something else that does not involve expensive buildings or elements that make it extremely expensive to enjoy a smart home.The smart home makes use of devices available to everyone so that we can quickly enjoy the benefits of new technologies in simple issues of our day such as cooking, air conditioning our house ... we tell you some examples of how you can turn your home into a smart home without spending too much


From your mobile phone you can check that the plugs of your house are put into operation and that when you get home you have the oven ready to cook, or the hot thermos for a pleasant and quick shower, or even heating providing you with a sweet welcome.


Another of the devices most used to create smart homes are smart thermostats. They are very economical and thanks to them, being connected to the air conditioner, always adapts the temperature according to our needs without having to be using uncomfortable remote controls. Did you know that you can be at home and provide more heat to your pet? Everything a detail!


They are the most used devices when we talk about smart home. From our mobile phone we can program the turning on or off of the house lights, the entrance of the same and even regulate it ... Ideal for when you go on vacation and confuse potential thieves.


If you have a smart home, you should have a smart lock like no and say goodbye to the keys. With your fingerprint or with a pin that only you know you can open your house with total security and even trigger the opening of your door from your own mobile phone.


Monitor everything that happens inside your home and check it at all times from your own phone. Even if you live in a house, you can check who lurks by the door or by the windows. If you are looking for a safety bonus, smart cameras are a very good decision.


It is one of the devices more and more common in all types of homes, intelligent cleaning appliances in the shape of a flying saucer that cleans the house at your own pace in a few minutes. Program it and enjoy a dirt-free floor.


You should know that there are also devices able to control the ideal temperature of your mattress, control environmental factors and even measure the quality of your sleep. Almost nothing!


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